Presentation Secondary School Waterford

Head Girl's Welcome

We would like to start by saying a warm welcome to students, teachers, and all members of staff after what we hope was a restful and enjoyable summer. We are delighted to be back for another school year, and hope all students are determined and driven to excel this year. These past few years have not been easy on any of us but have certainly brought us closer together as a school community and thankfully we are at the other side of it now and can continue to succeed in every aspect of our school and home lives! We would like to thank the class of 2023 for their guidance over the last number of years and congratulate them on their results! We wish you all the best for the future!

First years, we hope you are settling in well to life as a Pres girl and that your transition from primary school to secondary school was as smooth as it could possibly be! We recognise how difficult the big change may be, but don’t worry, you will get through it like the previous years before you! We are delighted to help you in any way we can, always feel free to approach us, your prefects or mentors if you have any worries, queries or questions (or if you just need someone to talk to!)

The aim for this academic year is that students, teachers, staff members and parents will continue to work together and thrive as a school community. We hope everyone will work hard this year to succeed to the best of their abilities. On behalf of our school community, we would like to thank all staff members who work consistently to maintain the high standards our school is held to, your efforts are greatly valued.

Our fellow sixth years, we can’t believe how far we’ve come! It seems like only yesterday we started first year; it is so hard to believe we are now in our final few months of secondary school. This is now the final stretch, and we are all in it together so let’s continue to put in a huge effort to get us all to where we want to go and enjoy the last few months we have left together!

Finally, we would like to state how proud we are of each and every individual for their hard work and continued efforts to maintain such a positive atmosphere in our school. We are thrilled to be leading roles in the school and cannot wait to begin working with everyone. Best of luck to all in the academic year ahead!

Ella & Charley

Aug 20
First Year Induction Part 1
Aug 21
Staff Meetings
Aug 22
Staff Meetings
Aug 23
Leaving Certificate 2024 Results
Cannon Street, Waterford, Co. Waterford, Ireland
051 376 584
© 2024 Presentation Secondary School Waterford