Presentation Secondary School Waterford

A TY Christmas

The many ways in which our 2022/23 TYs celebrated the holidays this year!
A TY Christmas

This month has been a hectic one for our TYs here at Presentation, with everyone getting into the Christmas spirit. Here are just a few things that have happened over the holiday season!

On Friday the 16th of December, Presentations TY group had the honor of hosting a Christmas party for their friends at Belmont. Presentation’s fourth years run an integrated P.E. with people who use Belmont's services and hold an annual Christmas party at the school for them. All students brought in food for the party; crisps, jellies, chocolate and an ample amount of home baked goods this year! The TY coaches then got together to prepare for their guests, setting up festive decorations, tables for the food and a sound system to blast out some Christmas tunes. Once our friends from Belmont arrived at the school, the party soon followed. There was Christmas music and dancing, many games of pass the parcel with some lovely gifts, some beautiful singing, and of course the long-awaited feast. At the very end, when everybody's sweet tooth was appeased and bellies were full, some of the people from Belmont took to the mic to say a few words and sing a few songs. We thank all those at Belmont who attended the yearly celebration, we all hope you enjoyed yourselves!

Meanwhile, this Christmas season, Ms. Heffernan and a few of our TYs got together to make a wire and paper mache Christmas tree for Winterval's Yuletide festival, which ran from the 9th to the 18th of December. The aim for this event was to for people in the community to make a “Christmas scene” out of any medium they liked! Their Christmas tree, and other Christmas scenes made for the festival, were on display in Christ Church Cathedral for the duration of the festival.

Next, on Tuesday the 12th of December, the TY trade fair took place in the school gym, a yearly tradition, as part of the fourth years enterprise project. Everyone arrived to school bright and early with their enterprise products, posters and decorations, and prepared for the busy day ahead. There was a wide variety of products on display this year; from lip gloss to brown bread and from bracelets to bath salts. It was clear that everybody put a lot of effort into the day, with everything looking very professional! From 9:40 onward different year groups came flowing in and out of the hall, supporting the fourth years by buying themselves a treat, or maybe even a few last-minute Christmas presents! Overall, the trade fair was a huge success, and a fun day for everyone involved, whether you were buying or selling. Many thanks to the enterprise teachers, Ms. Walsh, Ms. Meagher and Ms. Giyazova for all of the hard work put into the event.

Then, on the 21st, after all of the hard work that the TYs put in all Christmas season, they got the chance to go ice-skating at Waterford on ice! At the end of the school day, the group wrapped up in their warmest clothes, and set off to town. Once everyone got there all in one piece, they got their skates on, and the fun began! The temperatures may have been low, but spirits were sky high, with some people effortlessly gliding around the rink, and others holding hands and getting help from friends. It was a brilliant surprise from Ms. O'Sullivan and Ms. Matthey to the fourth years, they very clearly enjoyed themselves!

And finally, on the 22nd of December, the whole school got together for the annual Christmas talent show, where many of our TYs showed off their gifts. There was a huge display of talent with singing in more than one language, dancing, piano playing, and of course a dancing medley from our sixth years. The eldest year group did not disappoint this year, dancing their hearts out and making everyone laugh along with them. There was even a surprise at the end, with countless teachers getting up on stage to perform a choreographed dance with them! Well done to everyone who was talented and brave enough to participate in the talent show, it was fabulous!

Aug 20
First Year Induction Part 1
Aug 21
Staff Meetings
Aug 22
Staff Meetings
Aug 23
Leaving Certificate 2024 Results
Cannon Street, Waterford, Co. Waterford, Ireland
051 376 584
© 2024 Presentation Secondary School Waterford